A list of publications by our team members about the Uinta Basin
Murphey, P.C., Townsend, K.E.B., Friscia, A.R., Westgate, J., Evanoff, E., and Gunnell, G.F., 2017, Paleontology and stratigraphy of middle Eocene rock units in the southern Green River and Uinta Basins, Wyoming and Utah. Geology of the Intermountain West, 3: 1– 53. PDF
Friscia, A.R. and D.T. Rasmussen. 2010. Middle Eocene Carnivora of the Uinta Basin, Utah. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 79:41-53. PDF
Townsend, K.E., A.R. Friscia, D.T. Rasmussen. 2006. Stratigraphic distribution of upper middle Eocene fossil vertebrate localities in the eastern Uinta Basin, Utah, with comments on Uintan Biostratigraphy. Mountain Geologist 43:115-134. PDF
Rasmussen, D.T., G.C. Conroy, A.R. Friscia, K.E. Townsend, and M.D. Kinkel. 1999. Mammals of the Middle Eocene Uinta Formation. in: D. Gillette (ed.) Vertebrate Paleontology of Utah.Salt Lake City: Utah Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Publication, p. 401-420. PDF
Miller, E., L. Stroik, K.E.B Townsen, J. Westgate, P. Murphey, A. Friscia. 2022. Comparison of Middle and Late Uintan (Middle Eocene) Faunal Community Composition in the Uinta Basin, Utah. 2022. Presented as a poster at the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology meetings (November 2-5, Toronto)
Friscia, A. and R. Dunn. 2016. Uintan creodonts from the Uinta Basin, with a description of the post-cranial skeleton of Oxyaenodon. Presented as a poster at the 2016 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology meetings (October 26-29, Salt Lake City, UT)
Friscia, A., B. Townsend, P.C. Murphey. 2011. Modern Field Work in the Uinta Basin. Presented as a talk at the 2011 Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain/Cordilleran Sections meeting (May 18-20, Logan UT)
Westgate, J., B. Townsend, D. Cope, and A. Friscia. 2008. Snapshot from the Past: A Uintan Vertebrate Assemblage Preserving Community Structure. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28:159A (abstract) presented as a poster at the 2008 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology meetings (October 14-17, Cleveland, OH)
Townsend, K.E., A.R. Friscia, D.T. Rasmussen. 2002. Stratigraphic distribution of middle Ecoene (Uintan land mammal age) fossil vertebrate localities in the eastern Uinta Basin, Uintah County, Utah, and its implications for Uintan biostratigraphy. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 34:430 (abstract) presented as a talk by the first author at the 2002 Geological Society of America meetings (October 27-30, Denver, CO)
Townsend, K.E., A.R. Friscia, D.T. Rasmussen. 2000. Local Biostratigraphy of Uinta B and Uinta C Rocks in the Uinta Basin. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20 (supp.):74A (abstract) presented as a poster at the 2000 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meetings (October 25-28, 2000, Mexico City, Mexico)
Friscia, A.R. 1996. Middle Eocene Carnivora and Creodonta of the Uinta Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 16 (supp.):35A (abstract) presented at 1996 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting